Gas Works Park

Gas Works Park

One of my sweet brides, Taylor, who grew up in Seattle was kind enough to send me a few suggestions for my weekend trip. I was so thankful for her recommendations, as each of the ones I tried were a perfect fit for me (and Map & Menu)! High on her list of things to do was to visit Gas Works Park, a former gasification plant on Lake Union with beautiful views of the city. Given that I was beginning to feel like most of my time in Seattle was being spent eating, I was looking forward to an activity that allowed me to experience a different aspect of the city.

After a stop at the Fremont Sunday Market, Ashley, Allison, and I drove out to Gas Works Park to enjoy the day. I’m not sure there could have been a better day to be at the park- the weather was perfect and there were dozens of people picnicking, flying kites, and simply soaking up the weekend’s warmth & sunshine. It was just the right place to sit and catch up, so that’s what we did – we sat perched at the top of the hill among families, groups of friends, and couples, and chatted, all the while watching the kites in the sky and the boats on Lake Union. It was a simple afternoon, but being there was one of my favorite Seattle memories from the weekend.

Gas Works

Seattle Gas Works Park

Gas Works Park Seattle

3 thoughts on “Gas Works Park

  1. This is one of my favorite memories of that weekend too, Meredith! I’m so glad you got to see the beautiful weather Seattle occasionally treats us to :)

  2. All of these posts make me want to go back to Seattle tomorrow! And I agree, this was the perfect place to sit and just enjoy the day :)

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