A Map & Menu Weekend: 03.22-03.24

This weekend was a complete whirlwind! On Friday night we had the chance to attend Portland Hunt & Alpine’s Hush, Hush #4 (we’ll have the full post coming very soon!) and then we stopped by the newly opened Blue Rooster on Dana Street for a late night snack. The following day we headed south to Kittery to pick up our foster puppy from Big Fluffy Dog Rescue who traveled all the way up here from Western Virginia! The rest of the weekend was spent playing with and caring for both of the dogs. Orvis is still a little unsure about our guest, but the pup is absolutely smitten with everything his new roommate does! On Sunday afternoon while the puppy was sleeping in his crate, we escaped to Otto to try their new gluten free crust and enjoy some dog-free conversation. I feel like we haven’t even had a moment to catch our breath, but we’re loving every minute of the craziness.

One thought on “A Map & Menu Weekend: 03.22-03.24

  1. The dog photos are so cute. I always expect the foster dogs to have more trouble adjusting to the new surroundings, but sometimes its the dog that is already there that is wondering what in the world is going on!

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