New York, NY

There are few big cities in the US that do christmas as well as New York, so when Meredith needed to make a trip to the city fora shoot, we did the natural thing and made a Map & Menu weekend of it. In just over 36 hours, we covered a lot of ground, ate at some amazing restaurants, did some shopping, visited friends and family, and simply had a wonderful time. Continue reading New York, NY

Paris, France

The croissants. The food. The wine. The macarons. The history, buildings, hotels, parks, streets, fashion, shopping, and people. Paris, je t’aime.

Looking back, our trip to France, and the four days we spent in Paris, seem like such a blur now, but just a few weeks ago, surrounded by all there was to see, and do, and eat, it felt like we could just stay forever, lost in the cafe-clad streets, accordion renditions of Edith Piaf’s La Vie en rose wafting through the air with the smell of fresh croissants. Continue reading Paris, France

Chebeague Island, ME

Sometimes, you just need to throw some things in a bag, find somewhere within easy driving distance, and get away for a mini-vacation. It’s a rare weekend during the summer that both Meredith and my schedules allow it, but with a little bit of flexibility and just the right location, we were able to enjoy a short getaway to Chebeague Island, one Sunday night a couple of weeks ago. Looking back now, I’m so glad we did. Continue reading Chebeague Island, ME