A Map & Menu Weekend: 03.03-03.05

Farnsworth Museum Community Mural

With a few holes in the walls of the house for the electricians and temperatures below 14 degrees, we decided to ditch our ongoing renovation project and stay warm by heading up the coast for the day on Saturday. Orvis ran some energy off with my family’s dogs on their farm in Alna and then my mother joined us for the day as we ventured even further up the coast. We had an amazing first meal at Nina June in Rockport (more to come soon on our Saturday brunch!) before popping into nearby Sea Biscuit Bakery and Rayr for cookies and wine, respectively. We continued on down into Rockland, ducking in and out of shops along Main Street to avoid the chill of the wind.

That night on our way back into Portland we picked up a couple of pizzas from Tipo to eat while watching the Carolina-Duke basketball game on television. A longtime superstitious Carolina fan, Michael will most definitely be on board with my plan to eat Tipo pizzas before every Carolina game during March Madness this season.

In anticipation that we’ll wrap up electric work and pass our inspections early this week, we spent most of Sunday working on work-related tasks, so that we’ll have a little more time to spend sanding, priming, and painting the new laundry room and bathroom this week before tiling begins.

Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend as well!

Road Trips with Orvis

Nina June Restaurant Rockport

Cocktails at Nina June Rockport

Nina June Saturday Brunch

Rayr Wine Shop Rockport

Rayr Wine Shop Rockport

Black Parrot Rockland Maine

Black Parrot Rockland Maine

Farnsworth Museum Community Mural

Orvis in Alna

Photos by Meredith Perdue for Map & Menu. 

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